Motherhood is one of the greatest adventures that a woman will experience but it doesn’t come without its challenges.You know you’re a mother when your child throws up and you run to catch it before it hits the rug. We grow, deliver and nourish our babies and then worry about them for the rest of our lives

Monday, February 6, 2017

Penyebab Hiperaktif/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

Penyebab Hiperaktif/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD): tidak diketahui pasti, banyak faktor memainkan peran seperti faktor genetik, lingkungan atau fakta kerusakan otak.

Kemungkinan penyebab ADHD/hiperaktif meliputi:

1.Gen: ADD/ADHD memiliki dasar genetik yang kuat dalam sebagian besar kasus, sebagai seorang anak dengan ADHD adalah empat kali lebih mungkin untuk memiliki saudara yang juga didiagnosis dengan ADHD/hiperaktif. Orang dengan ADHD tampaknya memiliki tingkat dopamin di otak, memiliki jaringan otak tipis di area otak yang terkait dengan perhatian.

2. Nutrisi dan Makanan seperti bahan kimia dan gula, makanan aditif, kimia, pemanis buatan, gula dapat memperburuk ADHD. Sebaiknya membatasi konsumsi gula pada anak, karenaanak menjadi lebih aktif karena tubuh perlu metabolisme untuk membuang gula, kekurangan omega-3 asam lemak penting untuk perkembangan fungsi otak. Suplemen minyak ikan mengurangi gejala ADHD, meningkatkan kinerja anak di sekolah.

3. Lingkungan: ibu merokok dimana nikotin dapat menyebabkan hipoksia (kekurangan oksigen) di dalam rahim. Paparan racun timbal/ cat dari cat lama atau pipa yang belum diganti.

4. Cedera Otak: paparan racun / cedera fisik, baik sebelum atau setelah lahir, cedera kepala dapat menyebabkan gejala mirip ADHD karena kerusakan lobus frontal.

5. Gangguan pada gelombang otak: Normalnya gelombang otak yang dominan gelombang otak Low Beta/Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR). Anak ADD/ADHD, gelombang otaknya masih dalam kisaran beta yang tinggi sehingga tak terkendali & tidak bisa fokus. Penanganan dengan metode stimulasi otak dengan audio digital yang menirukan pola gelombang Low beta/SMR Hebatnya, terapi ini berupa CD.

6. Kemungkinan Penyebab lainnya: masalah di lobus frontal otak - daerah otak yang bertugas mengendalikan pemecahan masalah, perencanaan, memahami perilaku orang lain, dan menahan impuls. Terdapat 2 bagian yg berkomunikasi melalui bundel serat saraf yang disebut corpus callosum, dimana ada kelaian di daerah sel-sel otak di dekatnya. Anak ADD/ADHD memiliki prosentasi volume otak lebih kecil 3-4% dari normal.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Early Sign of Autism in Baby Tutorial - How To Recognize The Early Signs...

How To Recognize The Early Signs of Autism

The early signs and symptoms of autism and the associated gastrointestinal problems, tantrums and adverse behaviours vary widely. Some autistic children have only mild symptoms and impairments, while others have more gut and behavioural difficulties. However, every child with an autism spectrum disorder has problems, to some degree, in the following three key areas:

Communicating, whether verbally or non-verbally.
Relating socially and interacting with others and the world around them.
Having repetitive or restricted behaviours.
The word Autism comes from the greek “autos” meaning self, and children with autism are concerned with themselves. The early symptoms can be:

A lack of responsiveness to others,
Does not make eye contact
Does not respond to being called, or to his or her name
Does not make noises to attract your attention
Does not reciprocate smiles or imitate facial expressions
Does not reach out when being picked up
Does not like to give or receive cuddles
Doesn’t call out or make basic requests.
Delayed or no age-appropriate language development
No pointing at objects or people or waving goodbye
Not following people by eye
Has repetitive behaviours such as hand flapping
Linines up toys instead of playing with them for their functions
Has an obsession with a particular video or TV program
Displays echolalia (repeating what you say)
Running close to a wall repetitively, and looking sideways at it.
Has self-stimulatory behaviours
These are only common symptoms and do not include all of the behaviours that children with Autism can display, and these are not present in all children with Autism, which is why it is called an Autism ‘Spectrum Disorder’.

autistic autism pdd-nos baby repetitve play